Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I'm reminded of a line from a song - "I have no concept of time other than it is flying". Closing in on the middle of September and I wonder what happened to summer. Let's see,  there was some remodeling, a teenager and the requisite drama, moving a teenager off to college, boating, summer festivals including one right in front of our house (so close we let some of the vendors connect a hose to our outdoor faucet) and a few road trips. We are looking forward to a weekend with no plans. I think some great adventures happen when you jump in the car and start driving with no destination in mind.

I need to post some pics of our remodeling. I need to do a better job of updating this blog. Yes I need to get a lot of things done and lose ends tied up. Right now though I need to go kiss my sweet wife and wind down from a full day. Captain signing off...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter

What an incredible Spring we've had. We've been busy with some remodeling projects. We have the luxury of being able to hire professionals for most of the work. We are having the ceiling in our kitchen and dining room re-finished so they are once again plaster as they were when the house was built. We're also having a fireplace installed in the dining room and it looks like it has always been there. Exactly what we were hoping for. We're hoping to have the work wrapped up in the near future.

With all the great weather we have been able to do some much needed yard work and spend some quality time on our amazing front porch. The porch has quickly become everyone's favorite place to congregate. It has a great feel to it and the view is indescribable. Living here is like being on vacation every day.

I'll post some pictures of our remodeling soon.

Happy Easter!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Arrival of Winter

Damn if it didn't happen. Winter is here. Yesterday it was beautiful outside with sunny skies and a temperature of 55 degrees. Today it's snowy with a brisk wind and 12 degrees.

We are settling in and really love our new (old) home. Almost everything is different from our previous home - no more forced air heat, we heat with hot water and cast iron radiators. We now have 2 more floors than we used to have. We have a dining room! But still the most spectacular feature is the view of the Mississippi River. Yesterday I took a few pictures of the riverboat Twilight which is docked just downriver of our home.

Not a bad view eh?

But that was yesterday. Back to reality and back to snow removal. Oh... and I want to wish my beautiful wife the best birthday ever! I love you.