I'm reminded of a line from a song - "I have no concept of time other than it is flying". Closing in on the middle of September and I wonder what happened to summer. Let's see, there was some remodeling, a teenager and the requisite drama, moving a teenager off to college, boating, summer festivals including one right in front of our house (so close we let some of the vendors connect a hose to our outdoor faucet) and a few road trips. We are looking forward to a weekend with no plans. I think some great adventures happen when you jump in the car and start driving with no destination in mind.
I need to post some pics of our remodeling. I need to do a better job of updating this blog. Yes I need to get a lot of things done and lose ends tied up. Right now though I need to go kiss my sweet wife and wind down from a full day. Captain signing off...