The recent heavy rains have raised the river levels significantly. Monday June 30th we had a severe storm front roll through dumping over 5 inches of rain and 60-70 mph winds.
With the already high river levels resulting in a fast, heavy current combining with winds blowing in the same direction as the current, several docks along with the attached boats were torn loose from their moorings and sent crashing downstream. Luckily they didn't get far from the riverbank and eventually got hung up along the banks. Hopefully the boats didn't suffer any severe damage.
We lost power in Port Byron as did Le Claire, Iowa directly across the river so it was pitch black interspersed with brilliant lightening flashes. It was during one of these flashes that the dock and 4 boats appeared in front of our house - about 500 yards downstream from where it normally resides. It made for quite a nervous night with the storm and total darkness, knowing how much damage it was doing.
In the morning it was easier to see just how much damage was done.
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