Friday, August 23, 2013


After stuttering our way through the ABCs of boating with a few "A"s and a "B" and then "A" again, here we are at "C" (Cruise).

Our inaugural cruise was great.  I had a minor hiccup, mainly just an embarrassment compounded by the fact that I had an audience.  Mental note... untie ALL of the ropes before leaving the slip.  Otherwise you look like a moron!  Hahaha  Like I said, no damage other than my pride.  The new carburetor made a noticeable difference in how the motor runs and hopefully will bump up our mileage a tad as well.

My fiberglass project over the winter turned out great as well.  I rebuilt the mushy feeling engine hatch and it turned out great - solid as a rock.

We had a wonderful time on the water and made one of our favorite trips. We like to cruise past our house.  It always looks so massive from the river and it's a good feeling to know that's where we live. 

So our trip through the ABCs of Boating is now complete for 2013.  To be repeated in 2014 hopefully in a more straightforward manner.

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